Monday, February 7, 2011

Green & Yellow! Get it IN. Super Bowl XLV.

              Like the other 99.0000000009% of the country, last night, surprisingly enough, I watch the super bowl. I also tweeted about it non-stop, because each & EVERY time you tweet with the hashtag "#superbowl", they add a football behind it. It was pretty awesome. Anyway, I enjoyed it pretty well. I like football, so it was smooth sailing. I guess I'll just blog on it start to finish. The start was, like any other super bowl's start, the anthem is sang. Christina Aguilera turned it OUT. She's such a talented vocalist. She looked gorgeous, too. That fitted black dress contrasts so vividly with her bleached-blonde hair, she looked stunning. Then, she gets shit from everybody for fucking up the lyrics. Like, she messed up an entire line. I'm thinking, you're American. Why don't you know the national anthem, accurately? But after all the press massacred her, she goes on to apoligize by saying, "I can only hope that everyone could feel my love for this country and the true spirit of its anthem came through." (Source: NY Post) It's cool though, we forgive you Christina.

               After the anthem, the game starts. During the first quarter of the game, I was wondering if the Steelers' flight was delayed or some shit, 'cause they weren't there. So, while they're on their way to the game, the Packers get off with this sweet ass touch-down catch! Then, Nick Collins does his THUG DIZZLE. Receives the ball from Big Ben, and protects the ball like it's baby Jesus. That put the Packers up 14-0.

The Steelers finally arrive at the game and get a 1st down in the 2nd quarter. They also take out the Packers #1 receiver and leave them shaking in their cleats, jk. They were kind of upset though. SO mad in fact, that they scored AGAIN.. I stopped watching for a while.. then it was halftime! The Black Eyed Peas performed with a special guest: SLASH! & Usher (usha, usha). It was amazing.

$lash's in the building. Fly as ever.

Usher shows up.. he casted down like a spider.

He also jumped over

                I didn't tune back in until the 4th quarter. There was this commercial, I'm sure you saw it. Kim Kardashian is the new shape-ups girl. HA! Yes, it's true. It's HOT too. I almost wanted to buy a pair, but then, I realized that they were disgusting. Scariest 4 seconds of my life. But, here goes:


                Other than that, I mean, the game was pretty cool. The Steelers came back, 23-28. I mean, the Packers were still winning, but it was a close game. Then, the Packers won. 31-25. Good game, guys.

Here's a celebratory song:

 Lil Wayne - Green & Yellow .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

To view game highlights and other super bowl commercials, visit NFL Videos: Super Bowl XLV highlights.


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