This picture can only be appreciated by photographers. I wrote my name on the bathroom mirror with lipstick (super clichéd), Nicki Minaj: Pink Friday, to be exact. The <3* is in focus, and I'm not. I love this.
Pretty self-explanitory— Teff the Don x Jia Jetson.

This is "The Mecca of Rhymes". @mecca336gnc
KevGneiss and GermSykes, SOUTH. Not established yet, but definitely on their way.
Cool shot of Mr Lamar. Definitely over-sharpened! (Everybody makes mistakes) I love the way the light barely touches his head/shoulder.
Another shot of Teff.
Flight School Music, turned it up and ooout.
I like the way I edited this one. At this part in the show, he was telling this funny story about how when he was like 6, his dad would come home drunk and warn him about all the hoes who wanted him to get him pregnant and all the guys that wanted to fuck him over.
I just kind of needed a blah picture.
Teff x KL x unfocused lights.
Check out my homie in the background.
Hornets authentic vintage.
Rich P x Kev
I love the way the bar at Greene St looks.
Rich P was dope on stage too.
His style was cute, his flow was dope, stage presence was alladat.
I like this edit too.
Tell me dude doesn't look like a butterfly.
...And that's all for now. I'll probably post more later, but this is all you get for now :) As always, you can check out these (and more) at my Flickr. I hope you can see how dope that night was through the pictures. Btw, make sure to check out Kendrick Lamar (@Kendrick_Lamar), The Mecca of Rhymes of Flight School Music (@mecca336gnc), and Rich P (@RichP213). Make sure to go grab Kendrick's latest tape: Overly Dedicated. I'm thinking of posting a review of it myself, soon.
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