Hey guys! I know it's been forever, but I'm back. I've been a busy bee with school, my future plans and all, but I'm back, and better than EVER. So, as you may (or may not) know, my bestest Malik Townsend (AKA MTown) is founding a clothing line, and we were looking for some models, so I'm running test shoots until he gets the goods to find two girls to model the line. I did one on Saturday, right? Well, I originally planned on two shoots. I was going to do a test shoot with Aliyah Bryant and a promotional shoot with FANG. It was gonna be an easy breezy Saturday, right? WRONG. Absolutely wrong. I ended up doing five shoots. Only two were test shoots. It was ridiculous. I was totally over-worked. But it was cool. I got the opportunity to show my gang some love, and do what I love at the same time. However, I filled up a whole 2GB memory card and then another 2GB of the 4GB card one of my models so conveniently had in her purse. I took a bajillion fa-fillion pictures. Here's a few. This is Aliyah "Ali" Bryant. She's a natural beauty. Her smile is dreamy.

When I asked her to jump, she was like "O_o?!". It was the funniest thing I'd ever seen. She jumped so cute though.
This was her favorite.
My parents both said she looks like a catalog model. You know, like for Target.com? I could see it.
There's a b/w on my
Flickr of these ridiculous ass eyes. It's too intense.
I loved this one. It looks like she's jumping over the track.
Ugh! I love the innocence in her gaze. It's so cute.
She looks super Rihanna-y in this one. I love it.
And that's all folks! I loved this shoot. The next shoot I'll post will be Jerrya Harris. She's super dope. While Aliyah's are gorgeous and sweet, hers are like, bad-ass. Anyway, thanks for peeping in! I'll have updates all week, since I did 5 shoots. These are obviously not all of my pictures either. The others can be located on my
Flickr, as always. Stay posted! Leave comments, add me as a contact, all of that! Thanks again for viewing, Buh-bye.
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