Wednesday, February 2, 2011

All of the Lights..

         Hey! I know I said I was in a photography class, but I never went into detail. It's really simple though. Every week we're assigned a project based on different components of photography. The first week's was portraits. So, of course I took pictures of myself (and the fabulous Anna Stone); the second week's was candids. Those sucked. I mean, they were really good compared to a lot of people's in my class, but they sucked in my standards, but this week's is lighting. I let my friend Joe borrow my light set, so I haven't even been able to get around to doing any really good pictures. I'm pretty mad about that. But, it's Joe, so I can't get but so mad. Yesterday, he brought them back to school, but left the bulbs at home -___- But I'm not bitter. Anyway, yesterday, I played with a little bit of natural light. I shot Olivia & Camille. Olivia's the hippie-Pochahontas & Camille's the Audriana Lima prodige. They're both gorgeous though.

That last shot makes me tingle. They brought me to that spot & I was bitchin' out. There was mud & shit everywhere. I had on moccasins, it was pretty funny. But, I think the shots came out beautifully. Oh! but, I also messed with some studio lights.. with Camille. They look like friggin' senior pictures, lol. I couldn't get the light the way I wanted it. But, here's a few.

The quality on this one sucks, but HER EYES!

(skin-smoothing by me #photoshopwiz)

And that's all folks.. deeededdededeee :))


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