Monday, February 14, 2011

Single Awareness Day, my ass, homeboy.

               Psh. This is so lame. Today is Valentines Day! Or, as I've known it for the last 3 years, Single Awareness Day -____- Anyway, today, in photography class, I was eating Sweethearts (you know, that gross candy with the words on it?) and I got the most bomb idea. I was all, "Hey Joe, let's focus the candy and put stuff that relates in the background!", so then we went outside and made MAGIC. These pictures are awesome, I love 'em. Joe's were really dope too. Find 'em at his Twitter!

This is the first one I took, lol. Actually, Joe took it.

"Time to fuck"


Self explanatory.

But, yes. This is what my day has boiled down to. Buh-bye.


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