Friday, May 27, 2011


I think we've all seen the new style. Fashion turbans. They can be from anything really simple to something ridiculously complex. I've only gotten down the super simple ones. I don't know what any of them are called, nor do I even "have them down". My friend went natural the other day, and the whole time, all we talked about were turbans. So, I'm kind of obsessing. I love some of the looks. I doubt you'll see me in any until the fall, on the sole basis of the fact that it averages 89˚ in the NC summer. I'm bald, so I have to wear them covering my whole head. I think you could imagine where I may find a problem, even though, I might just stick it out some days. I think they're so cute. Anyway, I tried watching tutorials to learn how to do it, but then I got bored. So, this is me winging it. They're actually not difficult to do. The scarf used was a 6' x 1.5', I believe. I bought it off the street for $1 in NY, last Thanksgiving. I have other sized scarves, but thus far, it's been the easiest to work with.

Without further or due, I present to you— my turban-tying skillz. (I put a "z" instead of an s, than means I'm NICE WITH IT.) Again, I don't know any of the names of these, if they even have names. I didn't watch tutorials so they might be made up. I'll just call them Type 1-3.

It was the most basic one. Just 2 wraps and some twisting.

I little more twisting. Same amount of wrappage.

And last but not least, TURBAN TYPE #3
This one was a little more difficult. It was more tucking than wrapping.

I think I'll make the last picture my profile picture on Facebook. Anyway, thanks for checking in. Bye <3


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